Thursday 27 June 2024

11-171 (19/6/24) -- Summer Berries

Today was searingly hot. The air conditioning in the car worked well on the trip down to the airport and back. I had enough time on the trip in to stop at a great local market. For a treat, I got two quarts of local strawberries -- the first I've had this season. I wanted to be able to share these with my dear friend who flew in for a visit today. We stopped at a great truck stop on the way out from the airport, so our supper was a light one. <smile> We topped it off with some of the strawberries. Yum. 

When thinking of a song today, a couple came to mind, but one seemed to be less used in the blog -- so I will share that one here today. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Strawberry Wine -- Deana Carter


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