Monday 10 June 2024

11-162 (10/6/24) -- Serious Editing

I worked on the patio to discourage web makers from taking over the area. One plant seemed to have perked up after transplanting last weekend, but today looked like it would not likely survive. It is a basil plant. I hope part of it takes hold and will grow, but past experience doesn't support this hope. Over the years, I have had several basil plants but none have survived past a week or two.  Other transplants are looking well as are the flowering perennials that over-wintered in the garage. Only one of those did not come back this spring. 

Inside, I worked at getting boxes flattened and tied together for the recycling pickup tomorrow. It does make a difference in the garage area. There is a lot to do, but I have some plans of where to begin now. One room in the house needs attention, too. Just not sure where to begin there. I'm sure it will come to me as I stand there and ponder. It will involve serious editing. <smile>  

While working away at cleaning an sorting chores, I heard a couple of lines from a song in my head. Keep safe. Enjoy!  

Clean Up Time -- John Lennon

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