Thursday 27 June 2024

11-177 (25/6/24) -- Savage Rains

Well, the rain was to have tapered by morning, btut that was not the case. It was a very rainy day. If anything, it got heavier as the day progressed. The drive down to airport had a couple of very nasty sections, but it didn't go on for too long. The worst was at Mt. Thom where the fog was thick and then the heavy rain came. On the way home, it took me over three hours to do the usual two hour trip. I pulled off the highway three times when I couldn't see much of anything due to the rain. I rested and waited twice to let the rain intensity diminish. That didn't really work as well as I wished, but I got a break. I drove much of the middle section of the trip below the speed limit often with four-way flashers -- others did this, too. Happily, the last 30 minutes were on nearly dry pavement, so I could breathe better there. 

Leaving my dear friend at the airport is never easy. Our visits never seem to be long enough to fit in all the visiting around the region we'd like to do. I guess that leaves more fun things for the next visit. <smile>. 

Driving home in the heavy rain storm brought to mind a song -- I'd change the preposition to 'in' instead of 'on' for today, though. Stay safe. Enjoy!  

Riders on the Storm -- The Doors

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