Sunday 16 June 2024

11-168 (16/6/24) -- Cleaning Procrastination

Today we had some sun along with a few clouds. I completed a few major sorting and cleaning tasks so those parts of the house look better than before. Well, to me they look better <grin>.  I'm still getting used to the space and finding places to keep things like linens with no linen closet. Instead, I have things in the cedar chest, kitchen drawers, clothes closet and still in the garage. My goal is to make the garage less of a basement and more of a storage space -- including housing the car for next winter. Wish me luck on that, eh? 

I keep staring at the walls, which still need to have artwork placed. I need curtains for one room. I want drawer inserts for the kitchen and bathrooms, too. I've found some canvas boxes that I might experiment with in the cubby shelving in the walk-in closet. It would house the same things, but it might look nicer. I have one that I will use for a while on a single shelf and see if it works well or just looks nicer. <<smile> When I see home improvement programs, my response is often that it might look nice, but the functionality has been compromised by aesthetic. How's that for a reason to just pile things instead of hide them in drawers or top shelves where no one can see. <grin> 

Since I often find myself seated listening to music or TV, I find the short break planned turns into an hour or more. The first line of a song came to mind when pondering how to keep myself up and attending to the chores at hand. The term 'conversation' in the lyric line can be heard as a metaphor for listening to a show or song (or writing a blog) <G>. The rest of the song is decidedly on a whole different track. <grin> Keep safe. Enjoy! 

A Little Less Conversation  -- Elvis Presley 

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