Sunday 16 June 2024

11-165 (13/6/24) -- Techno Baby-Sitters

I spent the day doing some housecleaning and prepping for a dinner guest -- a friend who I've known since I interviewed for the job in this town over 25 years ago. We had a relaxing evening just talking and eating -- no shortage of food at all <grin>. We talked of many things and had an enjoyable evening. 

While working in the kitchen today, I pondered -- again -- all the electronics that beep at you. The phone, tablet and laptop do this, but I was focused on the larger electronic appliances that chirp away at you a you work. The microwave reminds you regularly that the thing you were heating eagerly awaits you in the kitchen. I often heat chai and then let it sit to steep for a while. I can't leave the kitchen and just let it sit without having the reminder chirp sounding the alarm repeatedly. The dishwasher sings a song when it is done. The oven does something similar when the set temperature has been reached or the light has been turned on or off. The timer has a slightly different chime. Heaven help me if all devices are working at the same time. I've even  had the front door beep at me if it isn't fully pulled shut -- which I've done on purpose when running in and out with groceries or some such. Most notifications are at a reasonable level, but the microwave is deafeningly loud. It most often is used during work in the kitchen, so when it goes off when I stand nearby, it startles me. When I have a migraine the volume level creates actual pain. Yet, for some reason, the washer and dryer don't have a notification when cycles are completed. I expect that someone designing appliances thought the sounds would be helpful, but there are so many they just seem annoying. <smile> It might be of greater use in a home that isn't an open concept, where one is always in the same 'room' if cooking and then sitting in the living room or setting the table in the dining room. I'm not sure I need the baby-sitter aspect of these techno beeps and chirps. I guess I'd like the option to set an 'alarm' when I want or need it. 

I chose a song that hits electro, techno and synth genres. While listening to this one, I found myself moving to the beat, so it likely fits the dance genre, too. Keep safe. Enjoy!

Boom, Boom, Pow -- Back-Eyed Peas

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