Monday 17 June 2024

11-169 (17/6/24) -- Eye on the Prize

This was a very full day. I began with a trip to campus. Our desk phones have been converted to Teams phones, so the handset had to be removed and turned into the IT folks. I also took back home a small rattan table I had decorating the office. It will sit on the patio with the chairs. I then headed to the grocery store for a handful of things needed for the coming week. I had to go to the second grocery store for bread -- and they had it on the shelf today. There has been some inventory issues so some varieties of bread and buns have been sparse. That made me smile today. At home I got the garbage and compost stuff ready for pickup tomorrow followed by a binge vacuuming. The place feels so big when I drag the vacuum around it all. The fact that I really dislike vacuuming adds to that feeling <smile>. 

After supper, I just collapsed and listened to a TV show. I'm knackered. I may be out of shape; I think I could have done all this and feel less tired a few months ago. I've not been walking daily for much of the past three months or so. I have been building that back into the daily schedule. This activity helps physical well-being, but also helps reduce anxiety. The rhythm of walking and breathing feels so comforting. The shoulder muscles begin to relax and the brain quiets somewhat. 

Now, I know all the benefits of keeping physically active -- particularly as we age. Keeping the momentum to get out every day even for a short walk, is difficult. I need to hold that focus and just do it. During COVID lockdowns, I headed our for a walk between 3 and 4 every afternoon. I have to get back to that. The timing may change to something closer to noon. I walk to get the mail at the corner Monday through Friday, so could tack on something longer than the walk around the block that I do sporadically. That should be the minimum each day, with longer forays into the world around me every other day. That sounds like a reasonable plan. Now I just have to do it. <smile> 

A chorus lyric about keeping one's eye on the goal came to mind. The whole song presents a time in history. I do like the chorus for my purposes here, since it speaks to keeping an eye on the prize -- in my case staying healthy. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

My Shot -- Lin Manuel Miranda (from Hamilton) 


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