Thursday 27 June 2024

11-175 (23/6/24) -- All About Rain

We headed out for one needed item today and installed an indoor/outdoor thermometer on the patio. Clouds have been moving in and temperatures were cooler than the past few days. Rain is expected for the next couple of days. Seems right -- we are traveling back to the airport soon. 

I know that rain helps my plants, as long as it isn't too heavy. I may have to put the more delicate ones into the garage to keep them safe from damage if things turn to major rains. 

A rain song that isn't sad or maudlin is difficult to find. One has a more positive focus, so I share it here today.  The lyrics take the song in a different direction than expected, but it does have a focus on rain. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Rain is a Good Thing -- Luke Bryan 

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