Wednesday, 5 August 2020

Day 7 - 218 -- Change of Pace

Today was a fuller day than the last few. One online meeting led to some organizing of future work to complete. I then headed up to campus to pick up my mail. This involved redistributing two copies of the same text book that had arrived from the publisher. I won't be needing texts and others may find them useful -- or know someone else who might want a copy for their reference shelf. I chatted with a friend I hadn't spoken with for a few weeks. Then had to print some things for review, comment and edit processes. The clock got away on me, and I realized as I was printing that I had 20 minutes to pick up the Farmers Market order. Luckily, I live in a small town and this is just down the street from campus.  
The order looked great -- broccolini, zucchini, green onions, heritage tomatoes, dinner rolls and a new mask. I sauteed half of the broccolini with garlic scapes and a bit of lemon juice. This tasted amazing! I served it alongside an Asian chicken burger and perogies -- definitely a multicultural influence in dinner tonight <smile>. 

I decided recently that I would take most of August off from research work. this will allow me time to do nothing, tackle some things that need doing around the house or try a day trip or two to see new (to me) beaches and vistas. I hope this time will help me feel less oppressed by the uncertainty of the time we find ourselves in at present. It may also help me to establish a schedule that works again. Earlier, I had a day map that seemed to work for a while, but it needs some revamping to get things moving with some predictability -- something we are all missing at present. So -- that is where I'm heading and I will be sure to report on any progress here <smile>. 

Hunted for a version of this song, and only found this one that has a lot of extra stuff after the song ends. No need to listen to the recording outtakes unless you are so inclined. The song is first on the the longer track shared here. Stay well. Enjoy! 

Think I'm gonna feel better -- The Byrds

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