There was much time wasted this afternoon with online application software that was unable to let me add information to what they noted was a required field. <sigh> I sat on hold for an hour and forty minutes -- the system message told me it would be longer than a 10 minute wait that I expected to be 20-30 not 100 minutes. The fellow on the line was helpful and added the phone number from his end. He also recommended that I wipe the cache, reboot and start the process from the beginning. Odd -- but there had been a hack of some parts of the site a week or two ago, so they shut a lot down while they work to fix it. I just noted to the guy on the phone that today was certainly a Monday. He agreed. <smile>
Early evening was spent getting groceries. It was challenging to go into the store. Got most things on the list. I headed to the other grocery outlet for a couple of items not carried at the first store. I rejoiced when I was able to buy 'real' grapes and not the hybrid varieties carried exclusively at the first store. I also encountered an amazing rainbow within a stormy looking shelf cloud formation. Seeing that led to a feeling of hope -- like a reminder of something I know, but can be buried with all the excessive detritus that flies my way daily.
A song about rainbows seemed to suit the day. I love this version by a Canadian singer-songwriter. Stay safe. Enjoy!
Rainbow Connection -- Sarah McLachlan
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