Overnight temperatures dropped a bit lower than they have been for the past several days. This meant the house was cooler, too. Tonight the expected low is below average for this time of year. Again, this will help to continue to cool the house before the next onslaught of tropical air expect in the next week. The day has been sunny with a light breeze -- closer to usual for this time of year -- just over a month to the start of autumn. -- one of my favourite seasons. Spring is the other. Love those transitions <smile>.
Scurrying around doing housework today gave me time to ponder the passage of time. Being is semi-isolation since March has made time move oddly. The days don't have the same rhythms as they did before the pandemic. Days melt into each other making them indistinguishable. I've tried to keep weekend days somehow different -- doing laundry and household chores more than during the weekdays. Even then, the exact day of the week can be ephemeral -- just out of grasp as I wake each morning. It seems like time is moving slowly until I look at the calendar and realize the number of months that have passed. Such a paradox seems puzzling yet comprehensible. Maybe that concept is why doing jigsaw puzzles has become a craze over these past few months -- working to make order out of chaos. Hmmm. Time to get the new puzzle piece laid out on the dining room table, perhaps <grin>.
Today's selection includes paradox in the lyric related to age -- seemed to fit the thoughts of paradox and time passing. <smile> Stay safe. Enjoy!
My Back Pages -- Bob Dylan ft. roger McGuinn, Tom Petty, Neil Young, Eric Clapton, & George Harrison
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