Monday, 24 August 2020

Day 7 - 237 -- Elevated Pulse

While in the shower, I felt a major vibration through my feet and then it felt like it was above my head. The house was shaking. I shot out of the shower to turn off the jet-engine sounding ceiling fan. Then, I discovered that the sound did not emanate from within the house but came from a low flying helicopter above the house. I'm in the direct path to and from the helipad at the hospital. Needless to say, that got my heart pumping. 

I mad a quick visit to campus today to pick up mail. I managed to chat with a couple of friends to get a bit caught up. At all entrances to campus, there are new signs noting that campus is a mask-only zone -- outside and inside. Without masks, one cannot walk around campus. Most buildings are still locked, so only those with keys can enter. This procedure will change in the next few weeks since classes begin again in mid-September. Again, the uphill walks up and back got my heart rate up again. 

I chose a song that contains a heartbeat in three parts of the song. It seemed reasonable given the events of the day <smile>. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Heart of Rock and Roll -- Huey Lewis and the News

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