Sunday, 30 August 2020

Day 7 - 241 -- Time keeps moving

 There is a feeling of fall in the air today. Lower daytime high and overnight low temperatures give a different feel to the air. The light quality of the sunshine has changed slightly so the colours are more muted. All of this signals the nearing of a new season, one that involves transitions in temperatures from the extremes of summer to the extremes of winter. 

Autumn is a favourite season for me. The passage of time has been odd this year. Not only does it move by quickly due to age, but it both drags and flies by simultaneously due to the pandemic world. That August is nearly over means nearly two seasons have passed since we began a more isolated way of living. I find this difficult to fully realize. One thing that has become patently obvious is that time and who we spend it with are most important -- particularly as we age. Time becomes a precious commodity -- something that the pandemic helped to emphasize for me. 

The song that came to mind today fits with my thoughts of time passing. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Time -- Pink Floyd 

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