Saturday, 29 August 2020

Day 7 - 239 -- Upbeat Focus

 Today I had a great long phone chat with a friend who is out of 14-day quarantine after traveling outside the country. We will meet soon to celebrate their homecoming and end of isolation. I look forward to that. 

In other news, I returned items to grocery store due to poor quality provided by the curbside pickup program. This is the second week when this had to happen, which defeats the purpose of not going into the store <sigh>. I decided to pick my own replacement items since I was already in the store and it wan't too busy. I stopped to get fresh bread and biscuits at a local bakery and then went to campus for another 'get ready to return' item -- a bright green wrist ribbon that will alert security that the person wearing this has completed the requisite steps to return safely to campus and to buildings. In the parking lot, I met a colleague wearing a superman mask -- definitely something that fits as he is in the admin group working overtime since March and now is getting things ready for the return of students, staff, and faculty ahead of  classes. With protocols being tweaked daily, the weight must be oppressive. He does approach things with a smile and a calm manner that helps those around him breathe rather than launch into panic.

The day had some moments of calm and some that were just frustrating. This song came to mind as it emphasizes the need to find something good along the path each day. Stay safe. Enjoy!  

Some Days You Gotta Dance -- The Chicks

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