Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Day 7 - 224 -- Pending Responses

 Another hot day. Luckily, there was a mix of sun and cloud through the day leaving the inside temperature less oppressive. No rain fell, though it looked threatening enough. With the current water shortage and restrictions, a pouring rain would be great, but little rain in the forecast for the next few days. While out running errands on Main Street and a couple larger stores on the outskirts of town, the wind helped evaporate seat and provide a faux cooling perception. 

 Messaging electronically and through telephone remained problematic. I did manage to get a live voice on the phone for the office I'd called many times yesterday only to hear a busy signal. So, one appointment is set but for later in September due to office vacation time. Email conversations got no where when the office I'd contacted for some input on clarification of obtuse web documents and language. I was redirected to a web page of another agency, which led to a blank page -- even when I started on the other site. There is one other person that I can call for advice and interpretation so will begin that process tomorrow. Someone has to be able to answer my questions <sigh>. I'm not asking anything deep and philosophical -- would likely have better luck if I were. <smile>  

A line from a song explains how I felt today and yesterday -- and may still feel tomorrow -- as I search for clarity in the bureaucrat-eeze. The lyrics are very intriguing as a whole, too. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Daily Nightly -- The Monkees

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