Tuesday, 7 March 2023

10-61 (2/3/23) -- Neighbourhood Loss

A mystery from Monday was solved today -- as I walked out to do errands, a neightbour noted that we had lost a neighbour this week. As I walked away, I realized that the ambulance that had been parked in a driveway behind my place must have been for this. It left without lights or siren after a lot of discussion. A half hour later when I was walking to an appointment, a police car remained across the street from the driveway. Sadly, this elderly man had passed away. He was a character and a very kind person. He did some plumbing and appliance repair when I first moved into the neighbourhood over 20 years ago. The memory that most sticks with me was when a barbecue from the house two doors down from me tipped over while the cook was inside the house. The owner had put straw over the mud in the backyard a week or two earlier. That straw caught fire and it spread very quickly. This man saw what was happening outside his window, grabbed two shovels and ran to start dousing the flames with dirt. Without his quick response, there would have been several buildings involved, including mine. As it was, there was major smoke damage in the house where it all began and a car demolished in their driveway. My neighbour knew everyone on the fire trucks that arrived. He'd called them, too. I have been grateful for his presence of mind that day and that he was even home at the time. 

The title of a song came to mind today when thinking of the gratitude I have for his actions that day. I try to pay it forward where I can. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

A Random Act of Senseless Kindness -- South Sixty Five

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