Monday, 13 March 2023

10-72 (13/3/23) -- 'to do' List Situation

I was another sunny day. I was happy that I've been able tos ee the moon for the past few nights due to the clear skies -- a novelty at this time of year. Clouds will return tomorrow for several days of precipitation -- frozen or otherwise.  I'll take this to be the usual spring-ish storm in mid-March -- sweepiing out the remnants of winter from the system and making way for spring showers. 

I got a couple of errands done today, but quite a few other tasks were left undone. That seems to be the way things are moving at present -- barely or not at all. The list of things needing attention grows as so many items are not done. Some days go well, but most leave me feeling inadequate due to not working with the plan <smile>. The time-sensitive items seem to get attention, but the others sit there until it becomes necessary to get them off the list. Today, a few things left the list, but time did not allow me to get others done as planned due to the end of the workday meaning that I couldn't change appointment times and such. May some will get done tomorrow. 

A song from the distant past came to mind today. The group was from the Canadian prairies, so are dear to my heart <smile>. One even moved to my home town to retire. The title and some of the lyrics seem to fit my 'to do'' list situation. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Undun -- The Guess Who

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