Thursday, 9 March 2023

10-65 (6/3/23) -- Sleepy Time Tunes

I've been sleeping poorly lately and last night was no exception. I woke very early -- about 5 AM got to sleep an hour later. Most of the night and early morning I was waking every 45 minutes or so. I finally got up and got things together for my trip to campus for the guest lecture. I had been a bit nervous about this one, but it went better than I'd expected -- even without a good sleep behind me <smile>.  

In the afternoon, I moved the snow off the car. The temperatures warmed into the afternoon, so it slid off easily. Shoveling the mass of snow left on the ground after that task took a bit of effort, but wasn't too difficult. As I've said already, 

A good night's sleep is at the top of my 'to do' list. A lullaby would be wonderful or a visit from the sandman. <smile> This made me think of a wonderful medley from my youth -- the three songs sung in unison provide wonderfull counterpoint. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Medley from Five Pennies -- Louis Armstrong & Danny Kaye 

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