Thursday, 9 March 2023

10-62 (3/3/23) -- Seasons at War

Snow<sigh> -- the forecast for 12-14 cm (~5-6 in) turned into 20+ cm (8+ in) of densly packed tiny snow flakes. At the bottom of the pile about 2.5 cm (1 in) was wetter and slushier. That will ensure sheets of ice develop over the next few days. <grump> I shoveled the front porch, sidewalk and out the driveway to the back end of the car -- a very long way with the heavier snow today. I then went into the house, called the plow guy and made some tea and a sandwich. When I sat down to eat, the power went out. Luckily it came on in about 2 hours. I had headed outside to finish the back porch and the pile behind the car after the driveway had been plowed. When I got back into the house, the sound of the humming refrigerator was like music. One telelvision is refusing to turn back on <sigh>. It has done this before, but always came on after some time. I hope that will occur again. I'm not in the mood to search for a new television. 

I am so over winter. It has gotten old very quickly this year. I came across a bit of verse that spoke to me. 

Your time has come, Now hasten little snowflakes to vanish quite away. the spring-tide  hours are sounding gentle warnings, forbidding you to stay. -- M.E. Hathaway

I hate to sound like I'm wishing my life away, but I'd like some warmer spring-like weather to arrive soon. I dream of the spring flowers in the lawn with their carpet of periwinkle blue. Even with cool damp weather, the colour changes are wonderful.  I feel like the weather has been teasing us by showing us the soil and greenery under the snow and then burying it deeply again. The weekly forecast notes we might get another 10 cm (4 inches) early next week. 

A song lyric reminded me of the tussle that is going on between winter and spring -- one dominates and then the other kicks it out of place and it goes on and on. Spring will eventually win the battle, but in the meantime Winter is putting up a fight to stay. I like the way the music seems to battle between two genres in the intro of this selection, one will prevail. <smile> Keep safe. Enjoy!

Can't Stop the Spring -- The Flaming Lips

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