We had sun and cloud in the morning followed by increasing cloud throughout the day. A weather advisory remians in effect, though we might be on the edge of the storm and receive less preceipitation than had been forecast earlier. Either way, shovelling will be involved. The extent of said shoveling remains to be seen.
I have often spoken in derogatory terms about the science of metorology. To be clear, the art of forecasting through use of computer modeling is indeed a science. The reporting of potential weather experiences can be over- or under-done depending on the source of the forecasts. Forecasts change often. Sometimes these are out by orders of magnitude -- 1-3 cm vs. 10-15 cm. So, forecasting 7-14 days out leads to increased anxiety when the probability of the forecasts isn't clearly communicated.
A song came to mind this morning from way back when. it made me smile <smile>. Keep safe. Enjoy!
Fortune Teller -- Bobby Curtola
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