Friday, 24 March 2023

10-83 (24/3/23) -- Big Soak

I am so totally over the shoveling <grump> Several inches of heavy and wet snow fell overnight. I pushed a pathway to the town sidewalk and then went for a different shovel to clear out the end of the driveway. When I returned, the section behind the car was almost cleared by the man who shovels for the neighbours across the street. What a lovely gesture. I thanked him and said I would do the 2 meter stretch beyond the sidewalk. The asphalt cover made that much easier than pushing snow sitting on a mud base.  I still have to do the back porch and clear the car.Those will wait until tomorrow. 

I worked through a few of the small unrelated tasks that need to be done by the beginning of next week -- paying bills, making calls and returning messages. Each takes a short time, unless like one company they require three pieces of information to make sure I am who I say I am. I had to hang up and find the e-bill to get the specifics they asked of me. So, that one took longer than expected. At leset the wait time was mercifully short today. <smile> It feels like I'm buried under all these tiny bits of time that turn into much more before I get through each one. 

After all the shoveling today, I just wanted to soak in a bath to help with the muscle soreness in upper legs and lower back. A couple of lines of a chorus came to mind as  I pondered an evening bath -- made me laugh a bit. Keep safe. Enjoy!  

Splish Splash -- Bobby Darin 

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