Saturday, 18 March 2023

10-75 (16/3/23) -- Quietly Constrained

I went for three short walks today. One was for two errands on Main Street; In another, I picked up take out lunch with a friend. We ate at home and had a nice visit. The last outing was a walk around the block - a longer 'block' than found in most areas. The evening was cool due to a northerly wind blowing in over the ice in the strait north of town. There was drizzle that felt like a light mist on the face. This became frozen drizzle as the evening wore on. <yuck> 

While making plans for future research and personal travel I discovered that the roaming plan for the cell had changed but no update was provided. The data provided daily had doubled -- makes a big difference. That message likely comes as one crosses the border, but it would be nice to know ahead of time. Also, the daily rate increased by 33% <wow>. The plan only charges roaming fees for the day you use data -- which won't be everyday since the price would be ridiculous <smile>. Luckily, wifi is generally available in many indoor spaces and allows access to many of the apps and online messagng systems.  

It would be great to have a more open feeling plan that was affordable for travel to other countries. Something less constrained would feel more comfortable. This reminded me a few lines of lyric from a song my dad enjoyed. <smile> Many covers of this tune have been done, each with a different feel. I chose to use the original, since that how my head hears this one -- by my one of my dad's favourite singing cowboy from his youth.  Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Don't Fence Me I-- Gene Autry

-- got take out lunch with a friend and sat at home for a nice visit. 

-- cloudy and colder feeling outside today, but lots of puddles and melting still

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