Tuesday, 1 August 2023

10-196 (15/7/23) -- Lose, Seek, Find

The day turned into a game of "Where's Waldo" except I was hunting for specific items that reside in boxes as well as the box cutters. A few days ago, it was the tape that kept kiding from me and now it is the very thin that cuts that tape. I keep setting the cutters down when unpacking a box and not being able to find them later. Things do show up and were sitting right in front of me all the time. <sigh> I try to set up a specific resting place and yet somehow I leave them elsewhere without thinking. As for finding things that were packed, my labeling of contents became rather erratic at the end of the packing process. One box was labeled 'kitchen/dining/living room items'. Now that is very helpful, isn't it? I'm likely looking for a larger box that holds the leftovers from several rooms and smaller boxes from those rooms. I took some time to reorg the boxes that had been left in the wrong rooms, I hope that helps me to find things. As for the tool that helps open the boxes, I bought a new box cutter when I kept losing one of the two others that I own. Now I have three, so when I misplace one, there is another that can fill in until I find my fave. <smile>  One of the three also resides in the tool box in the garage, which helps me open and sort boxes left there. 

While pondering the nature of unpacking, a song title came to mind. It is an overly simplistic melody and sadly might qualify as an ear worm. For that I apologize. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Searching -- The Coasters

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