Sunday, 27 August 2023

10-227 (15/8/23) -- Sales Offers

Today, I called my cell phone carrier to explain the charges on my most recent bill. It was due to my use of the phone during the move when there was no house phone or wifi available for over a week. They explained that my current plan has limited talk minutes for local calls only and other free minutes were for evenings and weekends. I don't usually use the phone for outgoing calls, so these limits have never been exceeded. Once things were cleared up for me, the agent explained a different rate plan that would have more anytime minutes in Canada and more data than I would likely use. It could provide some flexibility and allow me to use data for things like Maps and such. I said I'd think about it. She then offered to reduce my residential plan in an amount that would more than cover the increase in the mobile plan. In fact, it would make the overall monthly bill for the two about $12 less. Hmmm. I said I'd think through it and crunch numbers and call back if I choose to go this way. 

I dislike being pressed to make a purchase or any decision on the spot. I need time to think through things and find the questions that I still need answered. I will ponder this offer -- and it isn't time limited -- before making the decision to change or not. A song rattled around in my head when examining the sales experience today. She was not pressuring me in the way many have in the past. She took the time to answer my questions and explain the plan fully. I prefer being able to read about offers, but that isn't how the world works anymore <smile>. I share the song that came to mind today. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Salesman -- The Monkees

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