Tuesday, 1 August 2023

10-198 (17/7/23) -- Fuel Hunt

The big adventure today was searching for gasoline. My usual place seemed to have only diesel pumps functional. There was s run on gas recently just before the carbon tax increased the price. There is a supply chain issue, but I expect it will be back to fully operaional in a week. For today though, I needed gas. The icon light on the dash has been on for two day. So, I headed down the old highway and stopped at the next station. No issue there, so I'm still not sure what the actula issue is at my usual haunt. I put in half a tank since it was rather expensive. 

At the new place, I spent a lot of time pondering the layout of kitchen and what should go in which cupboard and drawer. I then put suggested contents on sticky notes so I could move these around as i contintued to think through the process. I was at a point where I couldn't unpack anything else until I knew where it would be located. I've changed two drawers back and forth already. There will me more of this as I live and work in the space for a few months. A friend and i plan to go on a Halifax shopping excursion to get organizational items once I know what might be useful. Drawer inserts might help in some drawers, but until I know what will sit where, it seems silly to get inserts and then change my mind. The drawers are of various widths, so it isn't as easy as switching from one to the other. <smile>  I hope this helps with unpacking tomorrow. 

A protet song seemed to fit the rising cost of gasoline. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Gasoline -- Sheryl Crow

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