Today involved further work on unpacking. Surprise! <grin> At one point the packing paper pile from one box seemed enormous. I heard some rustling and the furry one was burrowed into the pile. It was good to see that someone was enjoying this process. It also helped me to laugh.
I have began lining up non-moving activities after a hiatus of a few weeks. I am hoping that this helps me to re-establish a routine and rhythm other than 'all boxes all the time'. It feels good to have a few items on the calendar again adding back a feeling of being useful and engaged in the outside world. I hope that things soon move into a more comfortable space again, one with a stronger sense of normalcy.
Pondering moves to get back into a multi-focal groove brought a song to mind. The lyrics note that it takes a lot to get back into a rhythm or routine after something has interrupted it all. Keep safe. Enjoy!
Finding My Groove -- Trace Atkins
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