Saturday, 12 August 2023

10-211 (30/7/23) -- Disorientation

The HE washer sounded like the TARDIS today and when it was unbalanced it didn't rebalance the load. I had to use the 'pause' button and rearrange the towels. This was repeated twice more before the rinse would reset and complete. I still have heard nothing from the company about where to find user manuals for the stove and microwave. All that was provided by the builder was the installation manual. All bits were left in one kitchen drawer. User information was available in brief for other appliances and a couple also have more in-depth information. The cooking units, though, have very little information. 

I've felt a bit disoriented over the past couple of days. I found myself heading to the old house twice after shopping. That's what I've always called 'cow mentality' -- always going the same way day in and day out. <smile>. While in bed I turned to look out the window -- turned right when the new place has a window on the left. I also headed left once to leave the bedroom when the door is on the right. I've done well up until now, but my brain must feel the novelty of the new place has worn off and it is ready to go back home. 

A  song line and title seemed to fit the pondering of disorientation. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

All Shook Up -- Elvis Presley

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