As I've been working at unpacking and moving furniture around, I've wanted something magical to come along and just do it all for me. That made me think of the many magical women of you youth. On television I saw weekly the women on Bewitched and I Dream of Jeannie. They seemed able to get themselves and others out of work and trouble with a blink or twitch of the nose. Similarly, in the movies we saw Mary Poppins, who could sing through clean up and the packing and unpacking of her carpet bag. Given all of this, is it any wonder that my brain heads to someone magical to get me out of the mess of boxes and packing paper?
While I enjoyed the programs and found them comical, I worry that they may have sent an odd message to youngsters. Was this a way to demonstrate the myth of the superwoman who could do it all? That was the focus of the time -- women working outside the home and still doing everything to maintain a home and family. This has been proven to be an impossible task without extra help. Perhaps the fictional programs were addressing that need for assistance through the magical powers of the women characters. Hmmm.
A song that seemed to fit the ponderings of the day. It made me smile and even giggle a bit. Keep safe. Enjoy!
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious -- Julie Andrews
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