Thursday, 10 August 2023

10-210 (29/7/23) -- Cardboard Surplus

The day was rather mundane. Completed several loads of laundry as is usual for a Saturday. I did some shopping for food and other items for the new place. When home, I spent a lot of time thinking through the location of furniture in the new open concept dining and living room. I moved two pieces around -- sliding them around the new floors on cardboard. At least I found a use for the hateful boxes <smile>. 

Things are beginning to look like a semi-livable area. The area between the kitchen island and the dining room table is filled with boxes, but most are empty now. I have broken apart many of the boxes so they are in pile of sorts. I will need to bundle them for recycling in a couple weeks, but those that are filled with packing paper are a whole other story. <sigh> Working on how to get it all out of the house and off to the recycling depot. I've offered it to three different folks in the process of moving, and none took me up on any of the packing materials. <sigh> For now, I will continue moving forward and finish emptying the boxes that remain. Most are for the dining room buffet and china cabinet. Some of the contents will be donated or put online for sale, but that will happen once the living space has become more usable. 

Apparently, others have found fault with cardboard of one sort or another. I share a song from a musical that highlights some of the societal issues with cardboard <smile>. It is quirky, but cool. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Coffee in a Cardboard Cup -- Mandy Patinkin 

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