Fifteen years ago, I wrote a social media post expressing my hopes and wishes for the the new year. It may be a touch of self-plagiarism, but I'm sharing it here this year anyway. <smile>
In the words of Anton Chekov --
"We shall find peace.
We shall hear the angels.
We shall see the sky sparkling iwth diamonds."
The hope for peace is more at the forefront of the public consciousness at this time of year. Building peace requires hope and both individual and collective action. While action towards global freedom from conflict and want may seem overwhelming, small actions support hope and build understanding and tolerance. We can each learn and teach about differences -- try a new cultural food, work in a community garden, get to know your local food producers, advocate for social change, practice the 3 R's (reduce, reuse, recyle -- and the 4th forgotten R -- refuse), plant a tree, invite a neighbour to tea, voluneer your expertise in a community organization.
Actions such as these bring to mind a favourite quote from a great Canadian, Tommy C. Douglas.
"Peace on earth is not something we have achieved but something for which we must strive if mankind is to survive. If Christmas means anything it should mean that, like the shepherds of old, we catch a vision of the world as it ought to be and not as it is. This is the season when we should renew our determination to do what we can, each in our own way, to build a world founded on human brotherhood and concern for the needs of others."
So -- when making New Year's resolutions strive to make your corner of the world a better place for others -- small actions do have impacts, as noted by anthropologiest Margaret Mead.
Ghandi stated, "Be the change you wish to see in the world."
I wish you a New Year filled with peace, joy and understanding. May 2024 bring renewed hope and strength to continue to build peace in ourselves, in our own communities and across the globe.
I chose a song often sung on this day. Keep safe. Enjoy!
Auld Lang Sine -- Rod Stewart