Tuesday, 26 December 2023

10-359 (26/12/23) -- Day to Relax

The day was sunny with more clouds as the day progressed. After lunch, I headed out to the patio to move the remaining snow -- lots and lots of heavy wet snow. I wanted it off the patio before we get rain and frozen precipitation later in the week. When the temperatures drop below freezing, the wet drifts will turn to icebergs and be immovable until the y melt in the spring. It was a lot of work, but not as much as I had to move in the former abode. So, I shouldn't  complain -- well too much, perhaps. <smile> I had a long soak in the tub tonight to help ward off any painful lower back issues. I lifted with my legs and not bending my back, but with the weight that was moved, many joints may make their displeasure known. 

I enjoy Boxing Day. It is a day when one can kick back and just rest. This brief respite before returning to a regular routine for the few days before New Years Day, is much needed. I watched a movie and did minimal cooking. I let go the cleaning and other chores for today. I even had a short nap in the afternoon. I enjoyed the relaxed feel to the day. 

The title and lyrics of a song seemed to fit my focus for this day. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Take it Easy -- Eagles


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