Thursday, 28 December 2023

10-360 (27/12/23) -- Relaxing Lights

Some sun appeared this morning but clouds began to fill the sky by the time I went for my walk. I had a lengthy talk with a neighbour out walking his dog. It helped me to understand some of the ins and outs of local management. There is a lot to understand like the recent question regarding snow removal and the blocking of the mail box by the street plow. No one has a clear explanation. <sigh> I'm sure things will come to light as the season wears on. 

I did some cleaning in the kitchen and packaging several bags for waste pickup next week. Pickup has been interrupted due to weather events for the previous two weeks and the Boxing Day holiday.  Some of the wrapping paper and bags were packed away. It feels strange to dig out everything for a few days each year. <smile> I tend to leave the tree up for Julian Christmas and New Year. I like the lights. They can be calming. 

I chose a song by a band whose name reminded me of the lights on my Christmas tree. The song and lyrics are fairly basic. But then, not every blog will have an outstanding song. <smile> Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Holiday Rock -- Neon Trees

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