Saturday, 9 December 2023

10-341 (8/12/23) -- Chrimbo Deckies

The day was mainly cloudy, but there was bright sunshine for a short bit -- just as I was driving to the grocery store and having to head into the extreme brightness in the westerly sky. <smile> There was no precipitation, though the clouds looked a lot like snow. I got groceries at two stores -- still forgot one major item on the list, so will need to return in the next couple of days. <sigh> 

I'm enjoying the evergreen wreath on the front door. Many neighbours have similar wreaths and assorted greenery on their front porches. It is nice to see. I did donate my outdoor lights before moving here. Not sure why I did that, but I'll see what is on sale later and get something for next year. I'm hoping to rearrange the living room this weekend so the tree can go up in a new corner. I'm still working out how to make the living room area feel 'right'. The large open space is a challenge. As for holiday decoration, I do have the kitchen lines out and the green and holly cutwork trip table cloth on the dining table. Other things are out of the cedar chest and ready to brighten up the place this weekend.  

Adding decoration to the new place brought a song to mind. I chose a version with the lyrics set to a different tune than usual. It makes it fun. <smile>  Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Deck the Halls with Sugar Plum Fairies  -- James Lee Stanley

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