The day was bright and sunny with a clear blue sky. Clouds began to drift in during the late afternoon. These may be leading the coming storm, which may bring freezing rain and ice pellets all followed by rain. It sounds messy at best.
A good friend and I had our Christmas lunch out today. We had to cancel last week due to the major snow fall. We were at the restaurant chatting for two hours! We were the second table in for lunch and the alst to leave. I shouldn't be surprised since we have had lengthy chats since we first met. Always something to chat about. <smile>
I enjoy sharing ideas and stories over a meal with friends. This part of holiday celebrations brings laughter and strengthens ties. Happily, such gatherings can happen at any time of the year and don't only occur within the confines of a holiday. Commensality appears in most cultures as a way to bring people together. A local artist did a frieze of people in a settlement cooking and sharing food. He titled the work "Peacemaking." I believe this can mean both inner peace and broader aspects of external peace. It definitely adds to understanding of different cultural groups. We can see the commonalities as well as the differences.
The selection today contains lyrics that cover social gathering and mentions a few foods along the way. Keep safe. Enjoy!
Sleigh Ride -- Debbie Gibson
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