Sunday, 31 December 2023

10-363 (30/12/23) -- Attacked

It was an odd day. Things went well as I got through some household chores. I did some laundry, but much more left for tomorrow. I washed some  heavy cotton rugs with a couple of towels to help balance the load. As expected, I experienced the attack of the unbalanced washing machine. I swear the dryer one day will come dislodged and move through the wall into the dining room or bathroom. <sigh> I should contact the maintenance person to come and check to see if the washer is actually balanced to begin with. Something else to add to my 'to do' list. 

When out for a walk today, I had an encounter with dog -- a young golden retriever. It appeared that the dog was being leash trained. They paused in front of me as the woman got the dog to sit and then gave it a treat. I stopped about 8-10 feet behind them while this occurred. As soon as the treat was received, the dog took off and tried to jump up on me and then grabbed my hand. The mitten took the brunt of it. I could feel the sharp teeth against my fingers. Luckily, only the mitten was involved. Once the woman finally got the dog to let go, my other hand, which I had tight up against my side, was grabbed and game was repeated. Again, no actual bite. The leash was never shortened, nor was the collar grasped. I felt shaken and found that I had tears on my cheeks as I continued my walk. I was happy the encounter wasn't worse or had occurred with either of the two other walkers out this afternoon, both of whom used a walking pole or cane. Needless to say, I will turn in the opposite direction next time I see this pair on the road. 

I'm sorry that the song that came into my head is a nasty earworm. I warn you before you listen. <smile> Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Who Let the Dogs Out -- Baha Men

who let the dogs out??? 

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