Sunday, 3 March 2024

11-59 (28/2/24) -- Weather Changes

The morning had some sunshine and blue sky. By the time I got my boots and coat on, the sky was filled with clouds. This has been the pattern for the past month or more. I try not to take it personally, but getting out into the sun is an unrealized goal most often. Later in the afternoon, the blue sky returned followed again by the clouds. The latter will hang around for a day or two as we are under a rainfall warning. Winds will increase, too. The rain will be followed by a flash freeze -- a nasty weather pattern that we could do without. 

On the upside, the temperature felt like spring and the wind had a decided March feel to it. I can't fully explain that, but it reminds me of Spring days in March. It must be from a combination of the the feel and sound of the wind, smell of the air  and quality of light. The feeling carries a lot of nostalgia going back to childhood and playing outside during the Easter break at school. I get just a fleeting glimpse of all of the above sensations, but it happens every year when seasonal changes begin. 

An uplifting piece of music fit my thoughts of approaching spring. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Vivaldi -- Spring 

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