Sunday, 10 March 2024

11-69 (9/3/24) -- Odd Ritual

The outing today was a quick trip to the grocery store for a handful of things. The sun was bright and extremely warm. The car seats felt almost hot. The sky was a clear bright blue. The wind made things feel less spring-like as it felt very cold blowing out of the north. b

Time changes tonight -- well the clocks change. I find this process odd, having spent much of my life in a province the doesn't change. The ritual results in people all around being semi-jet lagged with the loss of an hour overnight. Accident rates increase at the beginning of the week; people appear tired and cranky; routines become disrupted. That 8 AM start still feels like 7 AM. Even as a retiree, I find it takes a few days to get settled into the one hour change. 

All that said, I will wait until the morning to adjust the clocks that don't magically change on their own. One song lyric made me think of my desire not to have the time change.  If I could, I'd have these twice yearly changes discarded. One song line played over and over in my head today. <sigh>  Keep safe. Enjoy! 

If I Could Turn Back Time -- Cher

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