The day was grey and cool -- again. <smile> I slept poorly due to the noisy winds and driving rain overnight. I moved rather slowly today. Several things needed to be started and others finished, yet fewer than hoped made any movement at all.
At times I'm feeling quite stuck in a rut. Getting back to what I had been doing before the pandemic has been difficult. I know I can't get back to the same moment and impetus since I've changed over the past four years -- can't expect to get back to where I was then. I should be able to nurture the enthusiasm to do a handful of things, though. All were things that can still excite me -- writing projects, a craft project and a hobby that has been sadly neglected. Yet, finding that rhythm again seems elusive. Others can help. It can't be done alone. Step by step, I'll get there. Having patience with myself will be needed. <smile>
I thought of a song that speaks to moving forward with the help of others. OK. It is a stretch, but it makes me smile. Keep safe. Enjoy!
The Truck Got Stuck -- Corb Lund and the Hurtin' Albertans
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