Thursday, 28 March 2024

11-88 (28.3.24) -- Moving Forward -- Slowly

Today the temperature rose higher than it has been in months. Rain and cloud predominated, but it was pleasant for walking. I went out to do shopping in three places. The grocery store was a zoo -- the day before a Friday and Sunday closure. The place was full of people and it was quite difficult to navigate. I was only picking up four items so I quickly got them and then stood in line to pay.  That didn't take as long as I expected. I checked another store for an item that wasn't in stock -- seeing a lot of that these days <sigh>. Rather than go to the second grocery store, I chose to put that off until next week. There was nothing urgent on that list. I then headed to the final store where it was seniors' day and all non-sale items are discounted. I had a lengthy list this week. I even scored a gift card for the store to use in the next few weeks. Cool. 

I had a great chat with a colleague that helped me to find some clarity with current happenings. I so miss my weekly chats with a lifelong friend who passed last fall. Talking through things with her was part of life for as long as recall. Learning to navigate the world without that activity has been challenging. I expect it will be for some time to come, too. Things are improving albeit slowly. Some days are still more down than up, but the up part is growing bit by bit. I don't have a meltdown as often as I did a while back. So, today it feels like things are getting better. 

Lyrics from a song fit my thoughts today. The full song is about a very different relationship, but some of the words reflect how I felt and how I feel now. Keep safe. Enjoy!

Still missing you -- David Myles


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