Sunday, 17 March 2024

11-76 (16/3/24) -- Routine or Not?

Saturday and another weekend begun. It has been a mundane day filled with the usual household chores with some TV movies in the background -- and a nap to make up for the earlier than planned awakening today. Outdoors it was grey with drizzle -- one of those dismal days that leaves one with less energy than on sunny days. 

I find it interesting that it isn't always clear when a weekend begins. Being retired, the usual routine of work days and weekend no longer exists. I try to maintain some routine by doing cleaning and laundry on Saturday rather than throughout the week. Yet, I still wake some mornings in mid-week and wonder if it is the weekend yet. Now, I did this while working, but that was wishful thinking versus the current lack of clarity on the actual day of the week. <smile> I recall hearing  similar confusion from people who retired before me. So, I realize it isn't just me. As for daily routine Monday to Friday, I had to re-establish one during the isolation days of the pandemic. Yet, after the move to a new abode, a new routine has eluded me. I don't want a rigid 9 to 5 style routine, but something a little looser that has me managing chores with walks and other work-like activities. 

A song title and some of the lyric lines sound relatable when I get thinking of a workable routine. It feels like everything remains the same while I'm hoping it will all begin to feel comfortable. Something for me to continue to work on, I guess. <smile> Keep safe. Enjoy!

Every Day is Exactly the Same -- Nine Inch Nails

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