Monday, 25 March 2024

11-85 (25/3/24) -- Needs & Wants

It has been a cooler day but it felt spring-like. Walking felt cold even with the lighter wind than we've had for several days. I ran around town to complete a few errands. At the top of the list was to procure enough canned food for the furry one to ensure we had enough to last until the online order arrives. I got the only three cans at the one store and had to get an alternate flavour from a second store. I calculated enough to get us to the end of the week. I expect the order will be delivered Thursday or Friday. Once home, I realized that Friday is a holiday. So, I may need to get more food to make it through the holiday weekend. I hope one of the stores has the preferred flavour when I am out later this week. 

Finding this food has been challenging of late. The pet store had none arrive on the supply truck this week and they only had the three cans I left with. Another store carries it, but had none on the shelves. This happened last month, too. There are five other flavour and texture varieties and these are always present on shelves. Given that the one I want to purchase is the flavour and texture that the furry fellow will eat makes me feel frustrated. I'm not the only one buying this so why can't the stores get inventory up to meet the demand? 

I called Canada Post twice today. It took some doing to get to a human customer service person. Once I got past the phone bot and the chat bot, though, I did find someone to help. I now have a service ticket to investigate what is happening with a parcel returned to a company in the Greater Toronto Area. Tracking tells me that it is 'in transit' in Toronto for over a week. If it isn't delivered in another week, it will be deemed 'missing' and there will be 'next steps' to follow. <sigh> The second call to them went quicker since it was to technical support. Each time I try to login to my account, the system reports that my e-mail is not found. We fixed one problem last month -- supposedly-- so I could register for text updates on tracking packages. It seems that either my e-mail or postal code were not recognized , so we reset the password. I hope this will remain in place now. 

Interesting interactions with corporate entities today left me feeling a bit deflated. I'm hoping that things go smoothly and that no further disruptions occur. It feels like a tiny voice in the wilderness -- one that is vaguely heard by the powers that be. For one of the phone calls, I was asked to complete a short survey. I said yes as I wanted to note how unhelpful the bots had been. Sadly the two questions survey had fixed responses only and no space for a brief verbal message. A useless couple of questions -- was you questions answered (yes/no) and on a scale of ten how would I rate the human service rep. No way to rate the bots. The fact that it took over 30 minutes to argue with the bots to get to speak to a human should be made clear to tech services who might be able to improve the AI. <sigh> 

When thinking through what I want from corporations today -- what I paid for and what I want to pay for -- I felt somewhat unheard. I need to be heard and I want the goods and services that I have or will pay for. That did bring a song to mind -- the title clearly defines my feelings. <smile> Keep safe. Enjoy!  

You Can't Always Get What You Want -- The Rolling Stones 

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