Sunday, 31 March 2024

11-91 (31/3/24) -- Easter Bonnet

We had wonderful bright sunshine this morning. I made a plan to go for a walk after doing morning chores and lunch. As soon as the dishes were done, the sun became obscured by clouds. This seems to be the norm for me getting out into the sunshine recently. I'm trying not to take it as a personal insult from nature. <smile> While out walking, I saw lots of extra cars on the street today. It must have been for a midday Easter dinner. By early evening, the cars were gone. 

I felt at a bit of a loss. A group of us used to get together for holidays, but the key person involved retired and moved away. So, the rest of us have tried to get together, but while we are keen to do this, the timing never seems right. I'm sure we will find a way that works -- a new format or tradition specific to us. I found myself thinking of Easter as a child. We went to church and I recall always having a new hat to wear on that day. I particularly recall one that was pale blue with wide ribbons down the back and a couple of daisies on the brim. This event is where I learned the words to the song shared here. It made me laugh as a kid and I still smile when I hear it. I've chosen to share the song from the original 1948 movie soundtrack -- it is somewhat older than I am. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Easter Parade -- Judy Garland & Fred Astaire

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