Sunday, 31 March 2024

11-90 (30/3/24) -- Grateful

The day was calmer than expected -- cloudy with sunny breaks after the loud wind and rain storm overnight. Temperatures were cooler but it was a nice day for a short walk -- even in the misty rain in the afternoon. I spent most of the day with laundry and vacuuming. I so dislike the latter. I always have. As an adult, I found it strains my lower back -- the gymnastics injury from high school. So, I often have pain after cleaning the place. It doesn't last for days, just a short while. I do like the cleaner floors when I've finished this chore, though. <smile>  

While working and walking I had songs running through my mind. Others were on the television at times. It made me think how wonderful music can be and how it fits all moods and topics <smile>. Without that, there would be no blog. Cool, eh?  One song came to me with lyrics that fit my gratitude for having music in my life. Though it I have met some amazing friends. Keep safe. Enjoy! 

Thank You for the Music -- ABBA

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