Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Day 7 - 154 -- Virtual vs. In Person

Today was cloudy with some rain, but not much. We need lots to help with the dryness and forest fire potential. Cooler temperatures made inside work so much easier and allowed used of the oven again for supper preparation. Further work on the outline for the next virtual conference occurred with some creative neurons getting on board that train of thought, at least <smile>

I attended the virtual board-member dialogue for my professional association. It was good to see faces of those presenting and see familiar names in chat box. As always, I found it  positive to hear of and participate in board direction for governance. The board chair noted that she missed hugging people as is common at the conference. I am so with her on that one. Seeing people you meet only at conference and often not each year, is so wonderful. So many familiar faces and many new ones to get to know. Seeing past students now well into their careers brings smiles as much as people I've worked with or gotten to know through organization activities. I miss the networking in the hallways outside the conference rooms, hearing what ideas have taken over the corridor buzz. That has been my favourite part of going to conference. Yes, I like the sessions and ideas that challenge the status quo, but without the people in person it feels different. A friend noted in a message yesterday that it felt like she'd just seen me (it has been 78 days) and then she realized she'd seen me present a week ago but I didn't see her or any of the other 570+ folks who were online at that point.

A song from a television special that aired in April kept poking at me today. Patience might help the way I feel, but it isn't easy to get to that place at times.The song uses a bit of humour and an upbeat tempo to deliver the message. I will do my best to find a way to manage the waiting -- it just ain't easy. <sigh> Stay well. Enjoy!

Gotta be Patient -- Michael Buble, the Barenaked ladies,  and Sofia Reyes

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