Monday, 15 June 2020

Day 7 - 166 -- Turning a Deaf Ear

The day stayed grey and cloudy, looking almost like twilight all day long. The rain that had been forecast did not appear, though the clouds looked like they held rain. In the afternoon I took a trip to the pharmacy for a prescription renewal for the first time since last February. I also found my favourite raisin bran muffins and ginger snaps -- again not purchased since early February.  There were few people in the store, so I didn't encounter anyone in the narrow aisles. Lots of distancing at counters and pharmacy area worked well. As short outing, but got me out of the house briefly.

Stress visited again today. When small things didn't go as I'd hoped, it opened the door to anxiety. I'm working on acknowledging and accepting a feeling like disappointment, and then letting it go rather than having it spiral downwards. This requires the rational brain to take control before the limbic system goes wild. <smile>. The process sort of worked today, just not fully. I am taking this as a mini victory and moving on. <smile>. 

The lyrics of this selection remind me of something that stress and anxiety might say to people to add to the fear. The title says it all to me -- if the feelings were an entity, I'd wish they didn't stop by for a 'visit'.  Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Uninvited Guest -- Marillion

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