Monday, 29 June 2020

Day 7 - 181 -- Nothing Amazing

The day began later than expected when I slept through the alarm. After adding caffeine into the system, I got ready for an online meeting to discuss possible edits of a piece of research writing. I then headed outside to run a couple of errands. One worked well and the other didn't. So - 1 out of  2 isn't bad. <smile> I will need to return to one venue again tomorrow to try to clear up the mix up in my order. Luckily, it wasn't something needed immediately. A delivery brought a new adapter for an electronic device. One arrived almost two weeks ago, but didn't function. The one today works like a charm. So -- maybe I should move the good things meter up to 2 our of 3 <smile>.

The house cooled well last night, and I am hoping to continue this pattern tonight. The rest of the week is to be hot and humid again with a break nearer the weekend. I cooked using the stovetop again tonight, which felt great. I do love cooking.

It seems this was another day of mundane ordinariness. <smile> A song lyric that deals with the minutia of a day came to mind. It even mentions a similar weather report to one often included in this blog <smile>. I'll share that one here tonight. Stay safe. Enjoy!

Busy Doing Nothing -- The Beach Boys

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