Thursday, 18 June 2020

Day 7 - 170 -- Bursting Bubbles

Sunny and HOT visited today bringing the gift of humidity, which built through the day. As usual, the house heated up as the day wore on trying to keep pace with the outdoor temperature. Sadly, that competitive edge doesn't continue once it cools a bit outside. Dehumidifier is now running constantly, so it must be almost summer -- a day and a bit away.

The Premier and Chief Medical Officer of Health announced that the small exclusive family or household bubbles -- where two household chose to visit each other only -- would be replaced by gatherings of up to 10 people with no distancing required. They strongly recommended that the 10 be an exclusive grouping to avoid broader exposure. They called this 'bursting the bubble'.  There is hope that this will expand to include other adjacent provinces into July and maybe even those from all provinces by later in July. The defining factor will be the numbers of  new cases that arrive. We've had 9 days without a new case, so curves are heading in the desired direction. Masks will still be recommended when distancing may be difficult in public -- like grocery shopping with folks who choose not to follow public health directives. Groups of up to 50 who maintain 2 meter distances will be allowed now, too. So, reopening continues.

Inside the house, I had a research meeting and a couple of personal conversations during the day. With one friend, when making plans for our meeting next week, it was suggested that we might meet on the porch or in the yard based on the new rules. The more I thought of this, the more it sounded wonderful, though tears are still involved with the idea of being able to visit in this way again. The solitary confinement of sorts, has felt very isolating -- the point was to isolate but the mental health isolation has been difficult. So -- I'm trying to see these forward movements as positives.

The lyrics of the chosen song today mesh well with some of my feelings and thoughts on the bubble business ending. Stay safe. Enjoy!

Tiny Bubble - Paul McCartney

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