Monday, 1 March 2021

Day 8 - 60 -- March Arrives

 For a Monday, it has been a grey day on many levels. Snow began early into the evening, followed by rain, which will change over again into the overnight. Tomorrow will likely be icy. <sigh> Two high points involved phone chats with two friends -- one a planned weekly catch up and the other serendipitous -- it came as I needed to hear a voice other than my own. <smile. The good news today indicated that campus has been chosen to be one of the ten vaccination sites across the province for the general public. Those 80 and over can book appointments starting next week for vaccinations beginning March 15. This is a glimmer of hope. I found it heartening that this will be a familiar place to me and only a 12 minute walk from the house. My time likely will not arrive until summer -- into the 3rd quarter -- hoping for early to mid-summer. 

Even with the uplifting chats and news, I felt more down than up today. How can it be almost a year since we started isolating? It feels like forever some days. Yet, moments arrive that show something positive or uplifting. Realizing that a new month began amazed me on one hand -- where did the time go? -- while on the other hand, this indicates being nearer to the vaccination process for my age group.This should help us be a bit more mobile and able to see those we have not been able to see over the past year. Changing calendars -- 'calendar flipping day' as a friend calls it <smile> -- added a bit of a bright spot to see all the new photos and designs for March. One is a great close up of crocuses. That made me smile. I can't wait to see them in the lawn this spring, though that may not occur until April. There is hope. That small light in the tunnel helped me to smile again. I guess I just have to be open to seeing the positive and hopeful bits in every day. 

The chorus of this song fits my hopes for the month. The verses not so much <smile>. It is an older tune, but gets the point across. The singers are folk and country royalty. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

March Winds Gonna Blow  my Blues All Away -- The Carter Family

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