Today was difficult. I walked out for bread and muffins and listened to a seminar on vaccines. I've been avoiding saying one thing out loud except to my furry companion. Typing this here feels similar to speaking it. Our neighbourhood has lost a major personality. He is gone from his post. He got me through lockdown days when all I could do outside the house was my daily walk. I could always depend on him for a happy face and sometimes a head rub. The latter was important as we couldn't touch anyone and I missed that so much. Yes, he was a dog -- a Great Pyrennes. He had been failing over the past few weeks. I'd see him and once he just lifted his tail to greet me. Over the last week or so he would just look at me with big sad eyes. He was well into his teens. His presence was so comforting. I'm missing that as I walk down the street and find it difficult not to tear up when I pass his porch.
I thought of many songs but chose one that deals with the empty space that looks wrong whenever I pass it. Stay safe. Enjoy!
Empty Garden - Elton John
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