Thursday, 11 March 2021

Day 8 - 70 -- On This Day

Today marks one year since the WHO declared a global pandemic. It wasn't the start of the disease, but perhaps it was more the start of the  treatment and prevention of spread. We've all learned a new lexicon of medical and epidemiological terms. Some terms were coined just for this odd point in history. The federal government declared today a national day of observance for COVID-19 victims. Many have died and many others bear battle scars that will last well into the future. 

Others have suggested that we acknowledge those lost, but that we also take a moment to think of the positives that have occurred during this past year of isolation. Communities have come together to support members struggling through the social distancing, lockdown of businesses and inability to travel to see those we care about. Scientists around the world worked diligently to produce vaccines. Vaccination sites have begun in many areas. These were the first to come to mind for me. Well, these and the access to great virtual meeting platforms that have kept me in  touch with people around the world and just down the road. 

On a lighter note, on this day in 1969, Levi-Strauss began selling bell bottom jeans. How cool is that? This fact made me smile. It also made me think of a song -- imagine! <grin> Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Bellbottoms -- The Jon Spenser Blues Explosion

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