Thursday, 11 March 2021

Day 8 - 67 -- Keep Going

 Today had bright sunshine but cool temperatures. Forecasts indicate that it should warm significantly in the next couple of days. Sprint is in the air and the sunshine is warmer that it had been. 

I had a good discussion about the fatigue of managing and monitoring today. Information changes with great regularity often before one has time to absorb, understand and react, things have changed again. Managing the reaction to such rapid change can be draining. Trying to stay abreast of key elements of situations without plugging into news media 24/7 -- in fact, while attempting to be unplugged as much as possible -- makes monitoring fluid situations almost impossible. How we cope with this constantly swirling around us has no simple answer. Taking control of what we can when we can might give us moments that may approach a sense of calm even briefly. Sing. Dance. Walk. Cook. Soak in the tub. Sit on the porch. Paint. Play an instrument. Knit. Gaze at the stars. Do whatever works of each of us. Over the past year I have had success with walking, doing jigsaw puzzles, listening to music, and chatting with friends. Some days one of those may work better than others. What we do is relative to how we feel in that moment. 

The title of a song came to mind as a way to sum up the pondering of the day. I share that with you all here. Stay safe. Enjoy! 

Keep on Keeping on -- Curtis Mayfield

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